2011 SSC Ultimate Aero

Ultimate Aero II Bugatti Vreyon relented speed record, they will use to project the fastest car. note that in rekm by Ultimate Aero II is 267.81 mph.

In August in Monterey, the successor of the Ultimate Aero, the Ultimate Aero II – written by Saab’s new design chief Jason Castriota (he of the Bertone Mantide / Ferrari P4 / 5 fame) – was inaugurated in a private ceremony was captured on . That’s all the teaser; the car was never actually shown in the video “opening”, the reaction only participants’ for it. Suffice to say, the car was well received.
2011 SSC Ultimate Aero
2011 SSC Ultimate Aero
2011 SSC Ultimate Aero
2011 SSC Ultimate Aero